
Airbnb Personalized Onboarding Email Series

 While on Airbnb’s Growth & Traffic team, I wrote an email series for new users who had just signed up for the platform after searching and viewing a listing. Previously, Airbnb had sent a single, static welcome email to new users. Each email in our new onboarding series featured modules highlighting different Airbnb features and Stays categories.

Our goal was to introduce new users to Airbnb in a manner that was warm, welcoming, nurtured their intent, and ultimately, drove them to book. Our results for the series showed open rate increased by 154%, click-through rate increased by 85%, and unsubscribe rate reduced to 24%.

Onboarding Email #1: Resurface the listing viewed by the user. Follow with a customer experience module to establish trust. Encourage user to save their favorites with Lists.

Welcome Series Email 1.jpg

Onboarding Email #2: Highlight more stays in the city a user was exploring. Build on Email #1 with customer experience module. Introduce Airbnb Plus and Experiences.

Welcome Series Email 2.jpg

Onboarding Email #3: Entice users with unique, one-of-a-kind properties. Showcase other parts of Airbnb ecosystem with hotel stays, and the opportunity to become a host.

Welcome Series Email 3.jpg

Designer: Sean Kim | Producer: Kate Wallace