
AREA15 Testimonial

A 2022 goal for Square was to highlight how our tools and technology can work for even the most complex, large-scale businesses. AREA15, Las Vegas’ trippy and colorful venue featuring retail, restaurants, and events, fit the bill for our testimonial video project.

I put together the video narrative with quotes from our three interviewees, pulled broll clips to show how awe-inspiring the venue is, and worked with our post house to find the perfect track. Our team was happy with the story we told and felt it was a compelling piece that shows how AREA15 uses Square to create memorable experiences for their guests.

Creative: Ben Aguirre, Amy Fietelberg, Carl Sturgess, Josephine Wai Lin | Production: Erin Mehta, Kate Scotland, Laura Faustman | Post house: The Gig